How can I receive notifications and information from Kwanko?

We have set up a notification system so you don't miss out on Kwanko information. Select the Profile icon and then Communications with Kwanko.

There are several options for receiving notifications.

1/ Mandatory messages

Account-related messages are mandatory and will be sent to your login email address.

  • Security (change of login username / password, new user, ...).

  • Invoicing (invoice request available, invoice blocked, validation of new payment method, ...).

  • End of a campaign on which a website is accepted.

2/ Newsletter option

  • I agree to receive newsletters and news about campaigns by email.

  • I agree to receive information about new campaigns by email.

3/ Preferences: Messages are optional. You will only receive these notifications if one of your websites is accepted on the campaign concerned. This option allows you to manage the information according to your needs.

There are several possibilities to receive platform notification / summary email or both.

Inbox : New message received

Ads : New ads available

Campaigns : 

- Approval on a campaign

- Campaign reactivation

- Tracking issue

- Decrease in payout

- Refusal of websites accepted on the campaign

- Change of payout group


- New ads available


- Approval on a campaign

- Campaign reactivation

- Tracking issue

- Decrease in payout

- Refusal of websites accepted on the campaign

- Change of payout group