What is a product feed?

A product feed is a file that consists of a list of products or services as well as product attributes and product information. 

Product feeds are also called data feeds or product data feeds or catalogs and can be used to display, run ads and sell products on multiple channels. They are most commonly in XML or CSV format.

What does a product feed contain?

A product feed contains product data. Every advertising platform has unique specifications and guidelines for what data your product feed should contain. 

What does a product feed look like?

In a product feed, there can be many columns (CSV) or tags (XML) and each of them contains some data about the product, such as:

  • Product image

  • Product title

  • ID

  • Color

  • Price

  • Size

  • Gender

  • Stock status etc. etc.

How to retrieve it on KPF on the Publisher's side?

You can find it on Ads / Product feeds part

You have two tabs available: 

  1. Not retrieved product feeds => the ones that have never been used by a publisher

  2. Retrieved product feed => the ones that have been configured or integrated at least once

Custom options

As a publisher from now on you can choose : 

  • the file format : CSV or XML (independently from the format available on the advertiser side)

  • separator (CSV : coma, tab, etc) or global tag name (XML)

  • the columns and their order (CSV) or tags and their names (XML)

  • add filters to the selection (choose a specific brand, product etc)