How do I run my first campaign? 

Below are the key steps to get your first Kwanko campaign up and running! 

  1. Choose your campaign: In the tab "Campaign", sub-tab "Application", you can filter the campaigns by country, IAB category or publishing conditions. For each of them, you can consult the payouts and the different ads available.

  2. Advertiser approval process: Advertisers can approve or reject your application automatically or manually (within 72 hours max). 

  3. Download advertising media : Once you have been approved for the campaign, click on the ads tab to download the ads of your choice.

How to apply for Kwanko campaigns?

In the Campaign > Application tab, you can filter campaigns by country, IAB category or publishing conditions. For each campaign, you can see the payouts and the different ads available.

To view and apply for Kwanko programs, please click on the "Campaign" tab and then "Apply". You will then have access to all our available campaigns. Thanks to the "refine your search" window on the left, you can filter the campaigns by keywords, publishing conditions, countries, languages & IAB categories. 

To get more information about a campaign, move the mouse over the chosen campaign and click on "Details". 

A drawer will then appear with the different information of the program. You will find the following points: 

  • IAB categories

  • Countries & languages

  • Description 

  • Payout

  • Contact of the account manager in charge of the campaign 

  • My websites: websites associated with this campaign 

  • Available ads

  • Publishing conditions: practices allowed or not allowed for this campaign.

Please check the conditions of the campaign before applying. It may happen that your marketing channel is not accepted on the selected campaign although it appears in the list of available campaigns.

An example is shown below: 

Once you have checked all this information, you can apply for the campaign by clicking on "Apply" or "Details" then "Apply" (top right). 

How can I get information about the campaigns? 

There are several options for obtaining information on the different programmes.

In the "Campaigns" menu, click on "Apply". This will give you access to all active campaigns. To get more information about a campaign, click on the "Details" button.

Interface for managing your campaigns 

Once you have applied for a campaign, advertisers can validate or refuse your application (within 72 hours maximum). To follow the status of your applications, click on "Campaigns" then "Management" tab. The management interface summarises the status of each of your applications by campaign.

 Several statuses are available: Changes to come, Accepted, Pending, Refused, Removed, Inactive. 

  • Upcoming changes to accepted campaigns: All campaigns that will be modified in the near future. You will be able to find out what the change is (e.g. payout change) and when it will be implemented.

  • Accepted: All campaigns on which you have been accepted.

  • Pending: All the campaigns you have applied for but you are not  accepted yet by the advertiser.

  • Rejected: All campaigns where the advertiser has rejected you

  • Removed: All the campaigns where you were accepted and finally the advertiser removed you.

  • Inactive: All campaigns that you were accepted to but which are now stopped or paused.

When you are in the "Accepted" tab of the interface, you can get more information by clicking on the icon (three small dots) on the right. Four other icons will appear:

  • Details: Gives you access to all programme information (payout, format, conditions etc.)

  • Ads: Redirects you to all the ads available for this campaign

  • Statistics : Redirects you to the statistics of this program

  • Withdraw : Allows you to withdraw from the campaign if you no longer wish to display it

Note that on the other tabs of the interface, only the "Details" part is accessible.

You have been refused or removed from a campaign and would like to know why? Do not hesitate to contact the account manager in charge of the campaign. You can find his/her address by clicking on "Details" (three dots on the right).

If you want to refine your search, the tab on your left will help you. In the "Websites" section, you can select the websites you would like to focus on. In the "Campaigns" section, you can add other filters for a much more precise search such as language, country or IAB category of the campaign. 

Invitation to relay campaign by Kwanko advertisers

As a publisher, you can also be invited to run a campaign. All invitations received are centralised on your interface in the "Campaigns" menu. Click on Campaigns and then on "Invitations" to access the different requests received. You will then be able to access the various information available: 

  • Campaign name and ID 

  • Website: The website to which the invitation to display the campaign is addressed

  • Date of invitation: Date on which the invitation was issued

  • Payout: The paout you will receive for each target achievement

  • IAB categories: The campaign category

  • Actions : Details, accept, refuse 

By clicking on the "Details'' icon in the "Actions" section, you will be able to access the campaign’s publishing conditions (payout, ads, contact, etc.). It is also from the "Actions'' section that you can accept or refuse an invitation by clicking on the green or red icon.

In order not to miss any invitation, we advise you to activate the notifications. Thus, when an advertiser invites you, you will be notified in real time from the"Notifications" menu. The invitation will appear as the "Important" notification (orange). You can also choose to be notified by email.

To activate these notifications, click on the"Notifications" menu, then on the "Settings" icon. You can then change your alert preferences by checking "Invitation to join a campaign". You can also configure them from your "Profile" by clicking on "Communications with Kwanko".