What is the Marketplace tool and why use it? 

As a publisher, you have an interface from which you can now create your own offers through the Marketplace tool, in order to promote them to all Kwanko advertisers, even those you don't work with yet. 

Advertisers will be able to send you requests for highlights in exchange for an additional payout.

This is a great opportunity for you to make yourself known to new advertisers and to find new business opportunities.

In addition, the Marketplace allows you to reach a large number of advertisers at once, saving you the trouble of contacting them individually. Here you can create, list and track your offers in one tool. This saves you a lot of time, especially during busy periods.

How to create the offers?

The tool allows you to publish your offers completely independently in one place with just a few clicks. 

You can publish a public offer that is open to all clients, but you can also publish a dedicated offer for one or a selection of campaigns. 

To create offers, simply go to the "Marketplace" tab in your publisher interface and click on the "Create an offer" button.

Button "Create an offer" + examples of offers : 

Page creation of the offer : 

After clicking on "Create an offer" at the top right, you will need to define :


  • Peak Period: select the periodto which your offer refers or choose "generic offer" if it is a global offer valid throughout the year

  • Name: give your offer a relevant name to attract the attention of advertisers

  • Description: explain your offer in detail (present the key figures of your website, your community, target group, etc.) and indicate the reasons why the advertiser should choose your offer rather than another.

  • Period: this is the period during which the promotion is possible. If you have a generic offer, it is not necessary to fill in this field, nor the field with the reservation deadline. This way, the offer will be active all along.

  • Last booking day: this date indicates the deadline for the reservation of the deal, the date must be equal or inferior to the period. It is not necessary to fill in this field if you have a permanent offer. 

  • Media Kit: you can add your Media Kit if you want to give more details about your offer, your device, your website etc. Accepted formats: PDF and PPT. We recommend that you do not enter contacts or prices in the media kit as this information is already filled in by our platform. Media kits are by default pending publication as they are validated by our Kwanko teams. This does not prevent the immediate publication of your offer to advertisers. 

  • Website: if you have more than one website, choose the website that will be used for this offer.

  • Currency: this is the currency in which the offer will be available. To increase the visibility of your offer, use the currency of the country where it will be broadcast.
    Please note that you will be paid out in the currency of the campaign that has accepted the deal.
    For example, if your offer is valid in the euro zone and in the UK, create two separate offers: one in euros and a second in pounds sterling. 

  • Access :

    • Public offer: if you tick this option, the offer will be visible to all advertisers who have campaigns compatible with the language of your website 

    • Specific campaigns: if you tick this option, the offer will only be visible for the campaigns you have chosen. You can thus create dedicated offers for some of the advertisers. 


  • Type: choose the type of deal from the selection:

    • Exposure- for example, the exposures that will be present on the special sales pages, black friday, the boost cashback page etc.

    • E-mailing - for newsletter inserts, dedicated e-mailing...

    • Article - e.g. sponsored articles, SEO articles...

    • Visibility - for extra visibility in the form of a skin or a set of banners on the website or a selection of websites, native ads...

    • Social networks - Instagram story or post, Social ads...

    • Mobile - Mobile campaigns, Download APP

    • Drive2Store - for offline cashback devices, geolocated SMS campaigns...

  • Name: give some details that make it easy to understand your feature, e.g. Summer Sale Special Page or Black Friday Newsletter Insert...

  • Specifications: give additional information about your offer, e.g. target, duration, location. 

  • Required ads: if you need specific ads from the advertiser, please indicate it here, e.g. a specific size of a visual, the exclusive promo code, an advertiser logo... 

  • Pack: you can propose several packs, as well as rename them, for example Standard Pack, Gold Pack, Premium Pack.... It is not necessary to enter several packs.

  • Pricing conditions: enter the payout required of each pack, such as: fixed fees, payout raise, CPC, CPM and / or product shipment:

Example of the details of an offer: 

Once you have filled in the fields, click on Validate. The offer is automatically created and is visible to all advertisers.

What happens once my offer is published? 

Once your offer is published, it is available to advertisers. Advertisers can now view your offer, the details of the proposed offer, the elements required for the deal to be set up, as well as the pricing. 

If you have chosen the public access option, all advertisers can see your offer. 

If you have opted for authorised access only for certain campaigns, only the selected advertisers will see your offer.

How to set up the deal?

If the customer is interested in a particular offer, they can notify their Account Manager via a button available on the offer on the advertiser's side.
Clicking on the "Send a request" button will signal the advertiser's interest in your offer and the Account Manager will take the necessary steps to set up the deal in close collaboration with you.

How to follow up on deals ?

Once a deal has been confirmed, it will appear in the marketplace's “Deal” tab: 

Here you will find the list of deals validated by advertisers on your offers: 

  • Name : name of the offer selected by the advertiser

  • Website : the site concerned by the offer (may vary if you have several websites)

  • Campaign : the advertiser who selected the deal

  • Dates : refers to the beginning date of the operation  

  • Invoicing: here you will find the invoicing status of the deal 

    • Waiting to be invoiced

    • Bonus paid

  • Earning: the gain associated with the offer that has become a deal (this could be a fixed fee and/or payout raise, etc.).

  • Actions : “See the deal” - by clicking on the icon, you can open the drawer to see the details of the offer that generated the deal. 

How can I be paid out for the deals I set up?

Once the terms of the deal with the client and/or the Account Manager have been validated, an amount corresponding to the negotiated rate will be added in the "Bonus" column in the "Statistics" tab (it is only the case for the fixed fees)..
For a better analysis, you can add additional columns in the Statistics, by clicking on the pictogram and choose the desired KPI. In particular, you can analyse the number of bonuses, the expenses linked to bonuses etc.

How do I track the payment of deals?

In the "Invoicing" tab in the "Earnings" sub-menu in the "Bonus" section, you will find details of all bonuses added to your publisher account. 

You can see there:

  • the name of the campaign

  • the name of the deal added

  • the period concerned

  • the amount

  • the payment status


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: publisher@kwanko.com