Use the Conversion track tool

In near real time, upon completion of a conversion, our Conversion track tool may call a URL you provide us in order to notify you and send you information via parameters. 

This information will be sent to you in server-to-server mode (S2S) and can be recorded, processed and analysed in your own system.

How to provide the URL ?

You must enter it in the URL field of the Conversion Track tool.

If you already have a URL set up in our system an orange message will be displayed. By entering a URL on this interface, you will replace all your links. Please contact [email protected] if you are not sure.

Technical specifications

In the URL you provide, you can specify several parameters: 

  • Parameters are always found after the question mark of a URL.
  • They consist of 2 parts:
    • The 1st part is the name of the parameter. This name is specific to your website and is located before the "=" sign. 
    • The 2nd part is a "macro" that will be dynamically replaced by our tracking. It is located after the "=" sign.
  • Each parameter must be separated by an "&" to be correctly interpreted by your website.

List of Kwanko macros :

You can add the most used macros by clicking directly on the buttons below the URL of the Conversion Track tool or by simply copying the macros below after your parameter name. 



Your information


Main identification of your users (SubID).


Additional identification of your users (SubID).



ISO code of the currency.


Date of conversion. Mysql DateTime format: Y-m-d H:i:s 
(ex: 2020-11-01 23:59:59)


Publisher earning.


Unique conversion ID
{TSNOW}Date of conversion. Timestamp unix format.
{IDPROG}Kwanko campaign ID.
{IDSITE}The Kwanko ID of your website. It identifies a website and its language.


Name of the campaign.
{SITENAME}Name of your website.

Characteristics of the requests :

  • IP range : –
  • User-agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0
  • Max. number of redirects tracked: 15

Example with a SubID:{ARGSITE}&campaign_id={IDPROG}&datetime={DTNOW}


Example with additional SubIDs:{ARGSITE}&custom_field={ARGSITE1}&user={ARGSITE2}&campaign_id={IDPROG}&amount={GAINAF}


Simulate cookies

Because Conversion track technology works in server-to-server mode, it is not possible to transmit your users' cookie information to you without a specific setting. 

If you wish to retrieve your users' cookie information, you must first send it to us by setting your tracking tag.


Javascript installation code: 

Specify the names of the cookies and their values in raw_url_encode format.
&setcookie[]=cookie_name_1%3Dcookie%20value &setcookie[]=cookie_name_2%3Dcookie%20value


Recovery of data from the Conversion track :

When we call your URL to notify you of the conversion, our system will add the following values to the HTTP headers of the request:

  • X-Forwarded-For: with the user-agent used when clicking or viewing
  • Cookie: with the names and values passed