Load the JS Kwanko library

To work, the ads need to load the Kwanko library.

You have two choices:

  1. Load it each time by copying and pasting the installation code provided on the platform

  2. Install it once in the header of your website to make it available on all your pages

script type="text/javascript" src="https://img.metaffiliation.com/na/na/res/trk/script.js"></script>

Display the advertisement in a specific insert

By default, the advertisement will be displayed where you have pasted the Javascript installation code of the ad.

The installation code will take care of creating the HTML code necessary for it to function properly.

If you want the ad to be displayed in a specific tag on your page, you can use the uid parameter, indicating the identifier of the desired tag:

div id="ad_placeholder"></div> 

< script type="text/javascript">

    try {

        new KwankoSDKLoader. getSlot('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', {

            uid': 'ad_placeholder



    catch(e) {}


Is your ad displayed on top of or below certain elements of your website?

If the ad is displayed over or under certain elements of your website, you can specify a zIndex value to use:

< script type="text/javascript">

    try {

        new KwankoSDKLoader. getSlot('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', {

            zIndex': 300



    catch(e) {}
