What is a SubID?

SubID tracking allows you to send data when a user clicks on your affiliate links by passing a specific parameter in your ads. 
For example, if you place the same banner in two different locations, you will be able to see how your earnings are distributed between the two locations thanks to SubIDs.

For each transaction, you will find the SubID used, called argsite in Kwanko, in your statistics table.

You can use SubIDs to segment leads, optimise campaigns and improve conversions.

The Kwanko platform allows publishers to transmit one or more websites into our tracking system and to retrieve this information in your statistics.

Technical specifications

The &argsite= parameter 

  • allows you to transmit your own tracking information

  • is post-view and post-click compatible

  • the maximum capacity is 8000 characters

  • this information will be considered as the main

The parameters &argsiteX= 

  • allow you to transmit your own tracking information without limits, example: &argsite1=, &argsite2=, &argsite3=, etc

  • each parameter has a maximum capacity of 8000 characters

  • they are only compatible with post-click

  • at most there can be &argsite99999999999= and a total of 64000 characters

  • this information is considered secondary.

Warning: some browsers may block the execution of clicks if the size of the request is too large, especially in GET.

It is advisable not to exceed 2048 characters to remain compatible with a maximum of browsers. 

This restriction occurs at the browser level, our tracking servers accept requests of up to 64000 characters

Example of use for the transmission of a SubID

Example with the Javascript installation code:

< script type="text/javascript">

    try {

        new KwankoSDKLoader. getSlot('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', {

            argsite': 'my_affiliate_subid



    catch(e) {}


Examples with URLs*:


* For some campaigns, the URLs are not in the form "action.metaffiliation".

Example of use for the transmission of several SubIDs

Example with the Javascript installation code:

< script type="text/javascript">

    try {

        new KwankoSDKLoader. getSlot('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', {

            'argsite': 'my_affiliate_subid',

            'argsitex': {

                'argsite1': 'my_second_affiliate_subid',

                'argsite2': 'my_third_affiliate_subid',




    catch(e) {}


Examples with URLs:


Recovering transmitted data 

In the statistics :

In the lead, sales and download dimensions of your statistics you will find :

  • the "Argsite" column which displays the information passed in the &argsite= parameter

  • the "Additional Argsites" column which displays the information passed in the &argsiteX= parameters 

In the API :

In the lead or sales retrieval API, you can retrieve the information passed in the &argsite= parameter by using the word argsite in the "field" parameter (please refer to the documentation on how to use our API). 

The &argsiteX= parameters are not visible in the API. 

In our Conversion Track tool

In near real time, upon completion of a conversion, our Conversion Track tool may call a URL you provide to notify you and pass information via parameters.

Is this information passed on to advertisers?

These data are those of the publishers and concern only the publishers. However, in certain cases, and only on request, it is possible to transmit one or more pieces of information to advertisers. 

For example, it is possible to pass us a value in &argsite= that will not be passed to advertisers and only pass the value passed in &argsite1=. 

Thus, some of the data remains confidential and some is shared.